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Collier County Florida

Economic Impact Report: Collier County Florida

Summary Economic Impact Report

Economic Impact Report: Carbotura ZeroFill Investment in Collier County, Florida


Carbotura, a company specializing in solid waste elimination and conversion, is considering investing in the establishment of two regional service centers in Collier County, Florida. The service centers will have zero-emissions, zero-waste, and 100% diversion capabilities. The investment is estimated to be $289,460,490, and each service center will have a daily capacity of 500 tons per day (TPD), making a total capacity of 1,000 TPD. This implies an annual capacity for Carbotura of 365,000 tons per year (TPY).


Job Creation

The establishment of the two service centers will lead to the creation of 110 permanent jobs, each with an average salary of $110,000, and an additional 200 construction jobs.


The projected annual revenue from the service centers is $100,853,953.

Waste Management

The service centers will have the capability to convert 100% MSW into reusable materials, leading to zero-waste and 100% diversion. This will make Collier County the first zero-waste county and the graphite leader in Florida.

Impact Numbers

The impact of the investment can be summarized as follows:
Carbotura Revenue: $100,853,953 per year
County Rebates: $13,687,500 per year (for the first year)
Community Development Funds: $8,671,849 per year (for the first year)
Total Impact: $123,213,302 per year (for the first year)

Economic Impact

Cost Comparison

The current all-in tipping average in Collier County is $74.47, while the rate for contaminated recycling and sludge are $125.00 and $100.00, respectively. With Carbotura's Regenesis fee set at $75.00, the investment will lead to a fully rebated zero-cost waste elimination compared to current rates that the County is paying.

Impact Outlook

The impact of the investment can be projected over time as follows:
1-Year Outlook: $123,213,302
5-Year Outlook (cumulative): $676,002,321
30-Year Outlook (cumulative): $5,352,326,265
The impact numbers take into account the County Rebates, Community Development Funds, and savings from the fully rebated zero-cost waste elimination compared to current rates that the County is paying.

Service Center Breakout

The impact of the investment can be broken down for each service center according to its percentage of capacity allocated, as follows:

Naples Landfill Service Center

Capacity: 500 TPD
Annual Capacity: 182,500 TPY
Carbotura Revenue: $50,426,977 per year
County Rebates: $6,843,750 per year (for the first year)
Community Development Funds: $4,335,924 per year (for the first year)
Total Impact: $61,606,651 per year (for the first year)

Immokalee Service Center

Capacity: 500 TPD
Annual Capacity: 182,500 TPY
Carbotura Revenue: $50,426,977 per year
County Rebates: $6,843,750 per year (for the first year)
Community Development Funds: $4,335,924 per year (for the first year)
Total Impact: $61,606,651 per year (for the first year)

Pro Rata Percentages

The pro rata percentages for each service center based on the TPD of each are as follows:
Naples Landfill Service Center: 50%
Immokalee Service Center: 50%

Tipping Fee Rebate

The 30-year ZeroFill Capacity Lease offers a 100% tipping fee rebate if terms are met. The amount of the rebate would start at $13,687,500 per year, increasing every year by the CPI of 2.9%. This rebate is applicable to both service centers.

Community Development Funds

If profitability numbers are met, Carbotura will contribute an additional $8,671,849 per year in community development funds. This contribution is applicable to both service centers.

Comparison to Status Quo

Compared to the status quo in waste management, Carbotura's investment offers the following advantages:
Zero-waste and 100% diversion capabilities
Fully rebated zero-cost waste elimination compared to current rates that the County is paying
Job creation
Revenue generation
Community development funds contribution


Carbotura's investment in the establishment of two regional service centers in Collier County, Florida, offers significant economic benefits for the local community. The investment will create jobs, generate revenue, and lead to zero-waste and 100% diversion capabilities. The impact of the investment is projected to be $123,213,302 per year (for the first year), and the 30-year ZeroFill Capacity Lease offers a 100% tipping fee rebate if terms are met. This investment will drive Collier County to be the first zero-waste county and the graphite leader in Florida.

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